05 November, 2013

National Novel Writing Month, from 2012

This is what I had after trying the Novel Writing Month for maybe three days, if that. I think I just got distracted and never went back to it. For some reason I just felt like sharing it today. It never got looked over or anything(until today) so all spelling and grammar stuff wasn't fixed. Also, toward the end, I knew what I wanted to the next bit to be, but wasn't really sure how it would go, so you see that get left alone and move on to another bit I had in my head. Anyway, here it is.

Life, and other Wastes of Time
Robert G Dietz III

Star is sitting by my door when I arrive home.  Her knees are drawn up to her chest and she has a book sitting open next to her.  It’s a collection of Kafka.  I’ve only seen her read this book about a hundred times in the four or five years I’ve known her.

“What are you doing here?” I ask.

“I wanted to hang out.  I was bored and there was nothing going on at home, so I came over here.”

“And decided to just wait when you realized I wasn’t home?”

She stretches like a cat and then stands up.  She cocks her head to the left and smiles, ever so slightly. “No, I knew you weren’t home, but I wanted to be here when you got here.  What are we doing tonight?”

This is a frequent occurence.  Not her just showing up when I’m not home, this is a new development.  Her just assuming that I will spend my time with her.  In her defence, I usually don’t have anything to do, and if I did, I’d rather spend my time with her.

“What if I had a date tonight?  I couldn’t really get out of that, just because you’re bored.”

She laughs.  It sounds like tiny wine glasses breaking.  “Now, we both know that isn’t true.”

“You’re my friend, you’re supposed to have confidence in me.” I say, as I unlock the door, open it and allow her to walk in first.

“No, I’m your friend, and I know you too well.  It’s doubtful that you have a date.  You either don’t find anyone interesting enough to ask out, and if you do, you sit around torturing yourself wondering why someone so interesting would want to spend time with boring old you.”

“Point and match.” I say, and walk in after her.  She walks over to one of the couches and spreads herself out on it.  She opens her book and says “Now, figure out what we’re going to do tonight, I want to finish reading this.”


I met Star about five years ago.  I was standing outside a bar, where some friends inside had become absolute bores.  One was all hung up on some woman he had went on a date with, and was for sure she was “the one”.  The other was so drunk, that halfway through a story he’d be telling, he’d start laughing at the resolution, and then forget the story.  He’d then go and get another drink, only to come back and start the same story again.

I was smoking a cigarette, which I was a pack a day guy back then.  A woman with a green military jacket that was two sizes too big for her walk by.

“You shouldn’t do that, smoking kills.”

“Really, then it’s not working quick enough.”  I said, and turned away from her.

She laughed and then said, “My name is Star, and you amuse me.”

“Well, nice to meet you Star, my name is Ralph.”

“Ralph?  Ralph.  I feel sorry for all the people named Ralph.  It sounds like a cough that’s trying to be a word.”

“Says the girl named Star.”

“Yeah, well...my parents were fucked up, but cool.”

“Okay.  So what do you do, Star.”

“Oh, I just go around, being me.”  she cocked her head and smiled.

“No, I mean...for a job.”

“Why is that the first thing anyone ever asks?  Why is society fixated on what a person does to earn money?  Isn’t it just enough for a person to be a person.  That’s beautiful.  But instead, people concentrate on ugly ugly money.  I mean, it’s cool if you live to work.  If the thing that defines you is your job.  But some people work so that they can exist.  So they can be themselves.”

“Wow.  Fine.  Good on you.”

Star then started to amble around me.  Not really speaking, but singing a song to herself, low and mumbling, and not really paying attention to me.  I finished the cigarette and said “I better get back inside.”

“No!  You should hang out with me.  C’mon.  I promise it will be more fun than whatever you’re doing right now.”

“Okay, and what were you planning on doing?”

“I was thinking about dropping acid.”

I start walking toward the door of the bar and say “Goodnight.”  

Star runs in front of me blocking my path.  “No, I don’t expect you to either.  I want you there, so you can write down any crazy shit I say, or tell me what I talk about or what I say I see.  Also, if I start freaking out, there is someone there to talk me down.”

“You barely know me.”  I say, trying to push her aside.

“Yeah, but I’m more comfortable with strangers than with anyone I know.”  she bit her lower lip and look just slightly embarassed by this statement.

I stood staring at her for a good while.  Contemplating what I was going to do.  I felt sort of responsible for someone who tells me they are about to do something irresponsible.  I’m no prude, drugs are fine if that’s your thing, and if you’re smart about it.  I also felt she was being smart about it.  She wanted someone with her in case things went south.  

“What the hell, but...if things go bad, I’m taking you somewhere for help, and you deal with the consequences...and you can hate me if I have to do that.”

“Yay!  No!  I won’t hate you!”  she said jumping up and down.  She stopped jumping and giggling and then gave me a hug.  The thing about a hug from Star is that you can tell she means it.  Usually, when someone gives you a hug you can tell that it’s done because in their mind, good form dictates that they should give you a hug.  There is no affection or honesty in them.  It has become a symbol for affection, without actually being affectionate.  But when Star hugs me, I can feel geniune affection in it.  I still do, after five years.


I come out of the bedroom, after completing the rituals people do when they get home from work.  Changing clothes, cleaning up a little bit.  I walk into the kitchen and Star looks up from her book and says “I’ve had an idea.”  

“Wonderful, I’m guessing it’s going to be great!” sarcasm all but dripping from the statement.  I grab two glasses from the cupboard and fill one with ice and water, the other with ice and rum, with a splash of Coke.

“We go out and get you laid.” she says as she takes the glass of rum I hand to her and sit down in the chair opposite the couch.  

“Not interested.”  I said as I sip at my water.

“C’mon, when was the last time you got some...I know for a fact not while I’ve known you, and that’s a few years.”

“It’s been...” I exhale sharply in thought.  I think about a girl that was my best friend at that time.  We’d both been having bad times.  We took comfort in each other.  After the shitstorm cleared in both our lives, the sex became an awkward knife dangling between us.  We just drifted apart, slowly but definite.  ..”seven years.”  I finished.

She laughed, loudly.  “What?  You have to be going nuts.  I would be so fucking horny if I had to go that long.”

“True.  I’d fuck the wind if it had a moist hole.”  I then took a big gulp of my water.

“Then why are you turning down my offer of what to do tonight?”  

“Firstly, how do you expect me to meet a woman if I walk into places with you next to me.  A woman and a man walk into a place, the general population of said place assumes that they are a couple.  If I start talking to a woman that is not you, and then if the conversation goes well, and I start flirting or putting on the moves, then I look like a prize asshole.”

“We can work around that.  You said firstly, so what’s the secondly?”

“Secondly, I can’t.  I just...can’t do the one night stand thing.  There has to be some kind of connection, other than ‘I want to fuck.  Now!’  I need an emotional connection.  To actually care about the person.  Some random person...it doesn’t really work.  For me.”

Star looked at me for a minute or so, and then her eyes became saucers and she smiled.  “So you could have sex with me...with your caveats that you have.  You could do me.”  She stood up and started to do what she probably believed was a sexy dance.

“No.  I mean, yes.  But...there is more to it than that...I...”

“Yeah.  C’mon!”  she said as she danced closer to me.  “I’m wearing a skirt, so I don’t even need to take off clothes.”

“Look, I can’t.  You’re my friend...and I don’t think of you like that.”

“I know.” she said and sat down, “I’m fuckin’ with you...well, not literally...but you know what I mean.  Besides, you’re my buddy.  I can’t sleep with my buddy.”

Yeah, you know how much I’ve heard that, in the past.”


The night I met Star ended like this.

Star wasn’t always the happy go lucky girl.  She had her off days too.  I sometimes wonder if she’s bi-polar.  Today she called me up and ask if I’d drive her to the next town over so she could take care of some buisness over there.

When I stopped at her place to pick her up, she came out of the door and got into the car.  She rolled down the window and slumped against the door.  I gave her a hello and she just glared at me and then went back to staring at her lap.

Halfway to our destination she spoke up.  “Do you ever feel like everything is degrading?  Like, you read about how things were in the sixties and seventies, and it sounds amazing.  People were out doing things.  They were trying new things.  Inventing new ways to enjoy life.  New sounds to listen to.  New ways to spend time together.  Roller rinks.  Disco.  The Summer of Love.  Woodstock.  What do we have now?  We sit in our houses waiting for someone to invent a new app so we don’t have to interact with anyone ever.  I can order everything I need from my phone now.  Food, entertainment. Everything.  And no one makes anything new.  We’re remaking movies that were made thirty or fifty years ago.  TV is all reality shows...and there is nothing real about them at all.  It’s fucking sickening.  Punk rock is dead and I get to see what some famous fuckhole is whining about...”oh, I have so much money and the press is following me everywhere.”  Bullshit, that’s what you want.  They are only alive when sad motherfuckers live on what these other sad, rich motherfuckers are doing.  Why do we give a shit what they name their kids.  Jesus.  I wish I could start a colony with people that actually want to think and feel.”

We sit in silence for a bit.  Then I say “Well, it sounds like you had a good day.  I am having one as well.”

04 January, 2010

The Return! Best Albums I Heard in 2009

Hello, I've not posted here in awhile. I'm going to try to do better. Promise. But not in the form of complaining about things happening in my life, unless I think others might find them very interesting. I'm going to start using this to talk about the things I love. Enjoy my first endeavour.

I decided to make a list of my favourite albums I heard this year. This isn't a typical list, as some of these things were not released in 2009. In my opinion, if I've never heard it, then it's new music to me. So I'm not going to limit myself to albums released only in 2009. This is the first time I've tried to write on something that means a lot to me, so please be kind. I've tried to explain what I like on each of these albums. These are in order as well, and I'm not going to do the starting with number ten thing...as who am I to make you wait to see what I thought was the best thing I heard this year. I hope you enjoy.

    1. Noah and the Whale: The First Days of Spring

    My number one album this year. Mainly because it really surprised me. I had read a lot about it and it was on many top lists this year. I thought I'd give it a try. It is what is usually called in the music critic world as a “break up” album. Which means that the main song writer has broken up with someone they have been with for a long time, and writing these songs was their therapy. What I really liked about this one though, it was unlike most “break up” records. Most in this vein is almost every song is a “woe is me” lament to the audience, with a few bitter angry songs and then the one or two “will you come back” songs. What I really loved about this one is that it starts out woe is me, but not in a feel sorry for me way. The lyrics almost say “well, shit, this sucks, but you have to power through.” Then for the rest of the album, we have songs of hope and looking forward to the future. A different approach that was well needed. As for the sound it sounds very British folk music.

  1. The Mountain Goats: The Life of the World to Come

    If John Darnielle puts out an album, it more than likely is going to be in my top ten list for that year. Even albums that I at first thought I wasn't going to like, like the album Get Lonely, it eventually works it's way into my conscience, like a popcorn husk between your teeth. This album, like Get Lonely, is more somber, but with a few upbeat tracks. The heart of any Goats album of course are the lyrics. We have stories in these songs of someone watching a friend die of a horrid illness and how useless he feels because he can't help. A man who sneaks into a house he used to live in and hopes the people dwelling in it are better at living than he was.

  2. Noah and the Whale: Peaceful, The World Lays Me Down

    After being floored by the newest Noah album, I believe the next day I went to iTunes and purchased their debut album. Similar in sound, but much bouncier and happier. Also this album features female harmonies from the lead singer's girlfriend at the time. The harmonies are not present on Spring because...well, that's why we got such an excellent break up album. Might sound harsh, but hey...we suffer for our art.

  3. The Decemberists: The Hazards of Love

    When deciding on the order of this list, I was surprised that this came in at number four. Colin Meloy, the lead singer and song writer, was very afraid that this album would be called their “Rock Opera.” I can see where people might think that as each song isn't a stand alone song. The album could be one long continuous track, each song runs into the other and you aren't really going to understand a song on it's own. This whole album is telling a story. With different singers playing the parts in this story. What is odd on this Decemberists album is unlike previous ones, where the best way I could describe their sound to someone a few years ago is they sound like they are a pirate ship that were shipwrecked and the crew decided to start a band. But on this album some of the tracks might even be considered close to metal. This album contains within the best song ever written about a right bastard (The Rake Song), and probably the creepiest song in pop music/indy music(The Hazards of Love 4(Revenge!))

  4. Frightened Rabbit: The Midnight Organ Fight

    One thing I always hear from people when discussing music is how come singers who are from countries with “accents” don't have those accents when they are singing? This is definitely not the case with Frightened Rabbit. The lead singer is Scottish and you can hear the accent when he's singing. But it doesn't deter from the songs. Another of those pesky “break up” albums. But once again, not the woe is me kind. There are songs of extreme bitterness on this album, and songs of trying to move on. One of these trying to move on songs is a stand out called “The Twist”. It features lyrics that are so innocent (lift that dress enough to show me those shins) and heartbreaking lyrics (“lets pretend I'm attractive and then...” and also “whisper the wrong name, I don't care, nor do my ears”)

  5. Mike Doughty: Sad Man Happy Man

    I was ready to think this was just going to be ok. Doughty's album before this was “Golden Delicious”. It was good, but not as good as his debut album “Haughty Melodic”. Which I listened to over and over and over. So I purchased this with the thought of it being a good album but nothing special. This won me over more than Haughty Melodic or the three albums from his band before his solo stuff(Soul Coughing). Mainly acoustic, with the occasional piano or bass, and very rarely some drums. Every song on here is a gem. Plus, how can you not like an album that has a song on it called “How to Fuck a Republican.”

  6. Blind Pilot: 3 Rounds & a Sound

    I don't know how to really describe this album. It's very mellow and the lyrics are very beautiful. I don't think there is an electric guitar on any of the songs. I would say just listen to this and you'll love it. The title track was featured this year on Californication. It was the song playing at the end of the episode where Hank came home with the tattoo and Karen made him breakfast.

  7. Troubled Hubble: A Happy Day Went Off the Cliff

    This is only an EP. Four songs, two of which I'd heard before and have three different versions of on my iPod. Troubled Hubble is a now defunct band, but the lead singer songwriter continues on with Heligoats. Check out either band if you love clever lyrics with a rocking sound.

  8. Wilco: Wilco(The Album)

    Like The Mountain Goats if Wilco puts out an album it is more than likely going to be on my top ten list. After a few experimental albums, they went back to basics on this one. It's very reminiscent of a seventies folk sound. Looking over the whole of Wilco's albums this album probably is second to last (Sky Blue Sky being the lowest). But, even mediocre Wilco is better than most out there, in my opinion.

  9. Lightning Dust: Infinite Light

    I really don't have much to say about this as I know I've really enjoyed it but haven't been able to spend a lot of time with it to talk a lot about it. It's female/male harmonies, with the female voice taking the lead most of the time. The music is sort of country-ish.

Sorry on the last few entries of this list. I started this awhile ago and just recently came back to it, so I sort of rushed on the last bit. I didn't want to be posting a 2009 list in March of 2010. I'm hoping to write a bit more about music and books and some movies(my three loves, in that order probably) in this blog. Let's hope I can keep my word on that.

05 June, 2008

Day four and insanity creeps in.

Wow, almost a year since I posted here. Hm.

For those that might catch up on me here, I was laid off at Kingland. This was the first week.

Today was a bad day. For boredom. I had a doctor appointment(no ulcers or stomach cancer or anything like that. My liver is slightly larger a normal liver, but he said it's nothing to be concerned about. I say that means I process alcohol like a motherfucker. Keep in mind I have no scientific evidence to back this up.) We (by which I mean him) haven't figured out why I have the weight loss and no appetite. He's thinking Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Which just sounds horribly gross, but if you read about it, it's not.

After the doctor appointment, I had a whole lot of nothing planned. So I came home and wasted as much time as can be wasted on the internet. Then played World of Warcraft. It's funny how most people, myself included, will complain about needing some time off, or if they had more time they could do so much. I'm at day four and I'm about to go mental.

It could also just be the day. I feel restless and just a bit lonely. So I think that has a lot to do with it. I can't keep focused on one thing. By lonely I mean how you have interaction with people on a daily basis at work, and when you don't have work to go to, you don't get that. It's a bigger piece to a life than you'd think. For me anyway.

Not sure what the rest of the day entails. Probably a movie of some sort, or TV or something. Not sure. Tomorrow I am donating plasma, so that should get me out of here. Also, it's Friday, so that should also mean things will be done at someone's house. Or a movie or something. We'll see.

Until again,

08 May, 2007

Good evening.

Good evening.
First off, I do not know how one forgets they are doing laundry. Perhaps I'm in the minority here, but when I have clothes in the machine it never leaves my mind that they are there. But I go down to the laundry room and there, both machines are full, and i know that they were there come five o' clock. So, if not being able to forget that I have clothing in a washing machine isn't weird enough. I also have an aversion to touching other people's clothes. So, it goes without saying that I will either be staying up really late to do laundry, or finding my cleanest dirty clothes to wear tomorrow.

Three new additions to the house. Three fish to be exact. It's sort of neat having them there to watch. Of course, the placotomus does absolutely nothing. I might add a few more fish to the tank. One or two. I went and looked today at what would be able to survive with the ones I already have. Not many. We'll see.

That is it for today children. Have a good night.

17 April, 2007

My head hates the rest of me.

So last night, Charlie sends me an IM to tell me he has a headache. I then tell him how I haven't really had a migrane in almost a year or more, and was quite happy about that.

So last night I was thinking that I'd like a day to just clean up my apartment, it's really messy, to the point of really bothering me. I then thought I hadn't called in sick to work for a long time, I could do that and spend the day cleaning. Then I thought that it'd bother me to call in sick if I wasn't actually feeling the slightest bit ill. (Yes, I am a figure of high morales...you should all look up to me).

Then about two o' clock this morning, I has having trouble staying asleep, such as always sort of drifting there, and then sort of waking up, but never completely in one realm or the other. Eventually I wake up to my head in absolute pain. Then I got up to get some aspirin and my stomach started hurting from the pain in my head. I sat in the bathroom for about half an hour hoping to throw up, but all I did was completely tear my throat up. It still hurts a bit.

I woke up at about six thirty and emailed in that I probably wouldn't be into work today. Then fell back to sleep until about one this afternoon. It's now near four PM, my head still hurts, but no in an annoying way, and not a "my head hates the rest of me" sort of way. Plus I'm still dizzy a bit. I think I can handle being plain old sick over having the headache from hell though.

Oh well, what is a person to do really.

That's all I got really.

Until later.

12 April, 2007

Laugh, damn it!

I found this pretty funny. (click on it to get the full joke)

Laugh, damn it!

I found this pretty funny.

09 April, 2007

A Youtube version of a serious talk.

I really liked this so I thought I would share. That's my sappy quotient for the year used up.